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When is the Spring Festival in English? The Spring Festival is on January 1st according to the lunar calendar.

The Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year\'s Day, falls on the first day of the lunar month. During this festival, it is a tradition for Chinese families to gather together, have a reunion dinner, and celebrate with various cultural activities, such as lion dances, dragon parades, and firework displays. It is the most important and widely celebrated festival in China.


1. 春节(农历一月一日)

- Spring Festival

- Chinese New Year\'s Day

The Spring Festival, the most important traditional festival in China, is celebrated on the first day of the lunar calendar. It marks the beginning of a new year and is a time for family reunions and cultural festivities.

2. 元宵节(农历一月十五日)

- Lantern Festival

The Lantern Festival is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar. It is a day to appreciate lantern displays, solve riddles written on the lanterns, and enjoy various traditional performances.

3. 清明节(4月5日)

- Tomb-Sweeping Day

Tomb-Sweeping Day, also known as Qingming Festival, is observed on April 5th. It is a time for people to pay respects to their ancestors, visit their gravesites, and enjoy outdoor activities.

4. 端午节(农历五月初五)

- Dragon Boat Festival

The Dragon Boat Festival falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. It is named after the practice of racing dragon boats, eating sticky rice dumplings called zongzi, and hanging up pouches of herbs to ward off evil spirits.

5. 中秋节(农历八月十五)

- Mid-Autumn Festival

The Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month. It is a time for family gatherings, appreciating the full moon, and enjoying mooncakes, a traditional pastry filled with lotus seed paste or other sweet fillings.

6. 七夕节(农历七月初七)

- Qixi Festival

The Qixi Festival, also known as the Chinese Valentine\'s Day, is observed on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. It is a romantic festival where couples express their love and celebrate the legendary tale of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl.

7. 重阳节(农历九月初九)

- Double Ninth Festival

The Double Ninth Festival falls on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month. It is a day to pay respects to the elderly, climb mountains for good fortune, and enjoy chrysanthemum flowers, which are believed to have purifying and healing powers.

8. 腊八节(农历十二月初八)

- Laba Festival

The Laba Festival is celebrated on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month. It is a day to worship ancestors, eat Laba porridge made from various grains and beans, and pray for a good harvest in the coming year.

9. 小年(农历腊月二十三或二十四)

- Little New Year

The Little New Year, also known as Preparatory New Year, is observed on the twenty-third or twenty-fourth day of the twelfth lunar month. It is a time to prepare for the upcoming Spring Festival by cleaning and decorating homes, shopping for new clothes, and making traditional holiday food.

10. 正月十五(农历正月十五)

- Lantern Festival

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the Lantern Festival is celebrated. It is a time to light and appreciate lanterns, solve riddles, watch folk performances, and enjoy traditional food like tangyuan, sweet glutinous rice balls.

11. 腊八节(农历腊月初八)

- Laba Festival

The Laba Festival is celebrated on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month. It is a day to worship ancestors, eat Laba porridge made from various grains and beans, and pray for a good harvest in the coming year.

怎样用英语表示春节以及日期? - 懂得

How to say \"Spring Festival\" and its date in English?

In the United States: month-day-year format (e.g., January 8th, 2014 or January 8, 2014)

In the United Kingdom: day-month-year format (e.g., 8th January, 2014 or 8 January, 2014)

For example, the Spring Festival in English would be \"the Spring Festival,\" and its date would be mentioned as per the specific year using the appropriate date format.

英语怎么讲春节? - 懂得

How to say \"Spring Festival\" in English?

The Spring Festival, which occurs on the first day of the lunar month, can be translated as \"Spring Festival\" in English. It is the most significant traditional festival in China, characterized by various cultural festivities and family reunions.


Here are the translations of all Chinese festivals in English:

1. New Year\'s Day (January 1st)

2. the Spring Festival (the first day of the lunar month)

3. the Lantern Festival (the fifteenth day of the lunar month)

4. International Labor Women\'s Day (March 8th)

5. Qingming Festival (April 4th or 5th)

6. Dragon Boat Festival (the fifth day of the fifth lunar month)

7. Mid-Autumn Festival (the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month)

8. National Day (October 1st)

These are just a few examples. China has numerous traditional festivals, each with its own significance and customs.


What is the date of the Spring Festival in 2021 in English?

The Spring Festival in 2021 is on February 12th.

The Spring Festival is based on the lunar calendar, so its date varies each year according to the Gregorian calendar. In 2021, the Spring Festival falls on February 12th as per the Gregorian calendar. It is an important time for Chinese people to celebrate the traditional festival with their families.

怎样用英语表示春节以及日期? - 柔 的回答 - 懂得

1. Spring Festival (阴历一月一日)

In English, Spring Festival is referred to as \"Spring Festival.\" The date can be mentioned as per the year and the lunar calendar system.

For example, the Spring Festival in 2021 is on February 12th of the lunar calendar, which is a significant day for Chinese people to celebrate with joy and festivity.


Here are the translations of traditional Chinese festivals in English:

1. New Year\'s Day (January 1st)

2. Spring Festival (the first day of the lunar month)

3. Lantern Festival (the fifteenth day of the lunar month)

4. Dragon Boat Festival (the fifth day of the fifth lunar month)

5. Mid-Autumn Festival (the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month)

These festivals hold great cultural and historical significance in China, and each is celebrated in its unique way.


Here are the translations and dates of all festivals:

- New Year\'s Day - January 1st

- Spring Festival (Chinese New Year\'s Day) - first day of the lunar month

- Lantern Festival - fifteenth day of the lunar month

- St. Valentine\'s Day - February 14th

- Tomb-Sweeping Day - April 5th

- Dragon Boat Festival - fifth day of the fifth lunar month

- Mid-Autumn Festival - fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month

- National Day - October 1st

These are just a few examples of festivals celebrated in China. Each festival has its own cultural significance and customs.


The Spring Festival in China usually falls on the thirtieth of December, but sometimes on the twenty-ninth of December. Its date is based on the lunar calendar.

For example, if someone asks when the Spring Festival is in China, you can answer, \"The Spring Festival in China is usually on the thirtieth of December, but sometimes on the twenty-ninth of December, according to the lunar calendar.\"